Monday, August 4, 2008

Whats One More?

Look what we got this weekend!

I know, I know, like we needed more livestock here on the Farm, but really, how could I resist :)
He is the best dog EVER, and Wyatt is in love with him.
They played fetch the empty water bottle for over an hour last night, and when I woke up this morning, there was Bart sleeping on Mikes side of the bed (Mike was at work) with the bottle on his pillow.
We also discovered he likes to play frisbee, towel, wood, empty plastic planting pot, milk jug, ball, plastic lid and hose.
He is very well rounded.

Ok, Captain Pork Chops posted about rug hooking yesterday. 
I guess she has some hooker friends and I checked out their blog and I now know what I will be spending my time doing this winter and I am VERY excited about it.
Last year I made these rugs.

Shag rag rugs from sentimental fabric.
No brainer, very simple, kinda cute.
This year I will make things of beauty, works of art, I am destined for glory (or failure)
All I need to do is go on Amazon and buy a book that will teach me how to be a hooker.
I will keep you posted.

Here is something else I need to do this winter.
Get a job.
I want to go back to work, and I don't want to go back to work.
I need to meet people other than you guys.
Don't get me wrong, your a nice bunch, but I don't even have to brush my teeth to hang out with you.
I've been at home so long that being around other people makes me feel like a social pariah.
Do I talk to much?
Do I tell stupid stories?
Do I flail my hands around when I'm speaking?
Do I have dumb hair?
Is there some kind of group that helps you integrate back into society slowly?

Maybe I should just bag society and my inept social skills and work from home.
You know, addressing envelopes or making cold calls for life insurance.
I don't want a job that requires me to shave my legs, I know that for sure, so I need some kind of long pants job.
I would also prefer a job sitting down.
Sitting down, long pants kind of job like maybe an ice cream taster.
Do you get paid to be part of the Neilson Family?
If theres one thing I know, it's good T.V
I don't want a job where I would have to leave the house early or get home late either.
I don't want to miss anything around here and if I get home late I'm sure I would miss something.

Ok, so let's re-cap....
No leg shaving
Long pants
Sitting down
Leave late
Home early

Have any ideas?

1 comment:

  1. You could always publish your "manuscripts"
