Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Floating Fish

Well, this morning when we got up all the fish were on their side on the bottom of our new fountain.
Mike scooped them all up in a bucket when........ they all started moving.
They are now in the rehab unit on the kitchen counter swimming on their sides like Dukes of Hazzard fish.

GK is having a rough go of it this morning.
He was up at 2:45 and never did go back to bed. His blood pressure was WAY up, but through modern science we have been able to bring it down to reasonable numbers. He is starting to feel better and plans on going to Molalla with Mike to drop off our old computer table with Uncle John and pick up the baby turkeys at the feed store on the way back.

If you have met my family, you know that Wendy has a thing about "bumps."
She has threatened to move over the fact that we are getting two turkeys and finds NO humor in the situation at ALL.
She is scared to death of turkeys and insists that she will run them over with her car or take whatever messures necessary to avoid them.
Heres the deal.
We ordered two turkeys from Wilco. They called and said they weren't sure if they would be able to get them in. So, we ordered two from Union Mills just in case. Now we are getting four turkeys.
I think Wendy will have a problem with this, and I almost feel guilty for thinking it's funny. I have visions of turkeys chasing Wendy around the yard and her hollering for help.
Wouldn't it be funny if I sat on the porch drinking Wild Turkey watching Wendy being chased by a turkey?
What if I was drinking Wild Turkey, eating a turkey sandwich wearing a pilgrim hat watching Wendy being chased by a turkey!!
This could very well be the best summer of my life.

I 'll post a picture when Mike gets home.

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