Well, we moved GK'S 300lb mattress back into his room yesterday.
I convinced him to leave the adjustable bed in there just in case.
He begrudgingly agreed, but trust me, he was not thrilled with the idea.
Just as I expected, he was up most of the night coughing and awake at 3:00 with breathing problems.
He wouldn't admit it, but duh, like I couldn't see and hear for myself.
He is off to John's this morning with barking poodles in tow and other than not breathing or sleeping, I guess he feels pretty good.
One other thing I noticed this morning was his left ankle looked more like a tree stump.
I pointed that out and he said, "oh, that, that's no big deal. It's like that from my socks."
He hasn't worn socks since 8:00 last night.
He thinks he can pull the wool over my eyes, and that's fine, he can go right ahead and think that. His favorite saying is "I may be crazy, but I aint stupid." Well, that goes for me too ; )
Mike is home AGAIN today.
This is sooooo stupid.
He hasn't worked in over two weeks..... maybe three.
He talked to his Unioun Boss yesterday and was told that Safeway was hiring.
He was there in a flash to fill out an application and should hear back by the end of the week.
I mean really.... who has a job where they don't work?
How are you supposed to budget or pay your bills.
Speaking of dumb, Wendy still hasn't cleaned her house.
What a pig.
I can't even go in there anymore.
I think Wyatt is going through a growing spurt.
He eats like crazy and can't seem to get enough sleep.
He is doing really well in Karate. He busted his partners lip open the other night.
Not on purpose, and not really bad, put that kid packs more of a kung foo than he realizes.
Tonight is Boy Scouts, and Mike is excited because he thinks he's getting his Pinewood Derby car. They should have a good time working on those.
Wyatt will more than likely paint his to look like a "big cat" and Mike I figure, will paint his traditional John Deere.
I'll let you know how they turn out.
C Ya