Thursday, February 28, 2008
Wednesday, February 27, 2008
Tuesday, February 26, 2008
Here I am
I had the BEST visit with Julie.
Looking at all 611 pictures from across Spain, hearing the stories of blisters and al-bear-gays, it was the greatest.
Even though she lives so far away it is good to have her home where she needs to be if I need her.
By the way, she looks HOT.
All that walking and lack of food does a body good.
Ok, I have so much to talk about.
Joe went over the handlebars of his dirt-bike last week and broke his neck and various other bones.
He was airlifted to Childrens Hospital and is still there.
It would be nice if everyone would please pray for the family and a quick and complete recovery for Joe.
This is the website where you can get daily updates of his condition and leave a message for him.
Now I forgot the other things I wanted to talk about.
Um... Brown Cow yogurt.
It is without a doubt my new favorite snack.
Get the cream top of any flavor, the best EVER.
I have been doing my excersises for TWO weeks now.
I still cant do more than about five minutes on the eliptical, but yesterday I RAN to the road and back THREE times.
I don't even want you to know what that much fat feels like landing on each step.
I felt great all day after doing it though, I just need to keep it in the confines of the farm till I run a little more off.
Hey, we could call it the "fat farm" !
We did our taxes yesterday.
Turbo Tax rocks.
Wyatt started Karate last night.
It was like watching a combination of Saturday Night Fever and Walker Texas Ranger.
This should be intersting.
We found a church that we LOVE.
We have been going to a good one in Oregon City, but it was kind of flashy and not to friendly.
Maybe you would consider it a "Haggen" Church.
It had everything you needed, it looked good, and you looked good going.
The one we went to last Sunday was great and close to home, and more like going to a farmers market.
You got everything you needed and it was fresh and way more personal, with no pesticides or preservitives.
No electric guitar and no fake tans.
Wendy is at drunk girl school this morning.
She is doing really well down here, I am very proud of her.
She LOVES her job and her house is coming together.
J Carlson made the CUTEST curtains for her kitchen while she was here.
I have now been inspired to sew.
I bought some books and will start practicing.
You can guess what will be in store for Christmas gifts next year....pillow cases and pot holders!!
Looking at all 611 pictures from across Spain, hearing the stories of blisters and al-bear-gays, it was the greatest.
Even though she lives so far away it is good to have her home where she needs to be if I need her.
By the way, she looks HOT.
All that walking and lack of food does a body good.
Ok, I have so much to talk about.
Joe went over the handlebars of his dirt-bike last week and broke his neck and various other bones.
He was airlifted to Childrens Hospital and is still there.
It would be nice if everyone would please pray for the family and a quick and complete recovery for Joe.
This is the website where you can get daily updates of his condition and leave a message for him.
Now I forgot the other things I wanted to talk about.
Um... Brown Cow yogurt.
It is without a doubt my new favorite snack.
Get the cream top of any flavor, the best EVER.
I have been doing my excersises for TWO weeks now.
I still cant do more than about five minutes on the eliptical, but yesterday I RAN to the road and back THREE times.
I don't even want you to know what that much fat feels like landing on each step.
I felt great all day after doing it though, I just need to keep it in the confines of the farm till I run a little more off.
Hey, we could call it the "fat farm" !
We did our taxes yesterday.
Turbo Tax rocks.
Wyatt started Karate last night.
It was like watching a combination of Saturday Night Fever and Walker Texas Ranger.
This should be intersting.
We found a church that we LOVE.
We have been going to a good one in Oregon City, but it was kind of flashy and not to friendly.
Maybe you would consider it a "Haggen" Church.
It had everything you needed, it looked good, and you looked good going.
The one we went to last Sunday was great and close to home, and more like going to a farmers market.
You got everything you needed and it was fresh and way more personal, with no pesticides or preservitives.
No electric guitar and no fake tans.
Wendy is at drunk girl school this morning.
She is doing really well down here, I am very proud of her.
She LOVES her job and her house is coming together.
J Carlson made the CUTEST curtains for her kitchen while she was here.
I have now been inspired to sew.
I bought some books and will start practicing.
You can guess what will be in store for Christmas gifts next year....pillow cases and pot holders!!
Wednesday, February 20, 2008
This is me right now.
Why am I so excited?
She has been flying all night and all day from Madrid to Parris to PORTLAND OREGON!
Mike and Olin are in Big White skiing until Sunday so I get Julie till' Saturday : )
Gotta go!
Sunday, February 17, 2008
Happy Birthday!
Gina has been here this weekend for Wyatt's birthday and we have all had so much fun.
Did you know that yesterday was the year anniversary of the blog?
Fun fact.

Wyatt eating an orange popsicle in the yard on his first day of nine.
Yesterday we went to town and went shopping and then went to Wyatt's Cubbie breakfast for dinner potluck.
Wyatt got a geography slide for his belt and a blue thing with his first bead, and they ALL sang happy birthday to him : )
Then we came home and had cake and ice cream and painted a birthday shirt for him.
Tomorrow or tuesday we will go to the movies with a few of his friends and then go to Pizza Hut.
Uh yeah.
Wendy's boyfriend Mr. Wonderful turned out to be Mr. Schlep.
He stood her up on Valentines day, but we don't know if it was on purpose or because he doesn't have her phone number.
I figure if he is dead in a ditch it's ok, but otherwise he could have called her at work the next day.
I still feel really bad for Wendy, he seemed like the greatest guy ever.
GK is feeling pretty good.
We went to the doctor on Friday and found that his PSA is going up pretty steady at 20 points a month.
he was diagnosed last Febuary with a PSA of 2500.
Honest, 2500.
This winter (November) it was down to 42 and now it's back up to 100.
Still amazing from where it started, but discouraging that it's going back up.
The doctor told us last year the hormone treatment would work for about a year, and it has.
They will wait another month or so to see if they want to change course in treatment, but for now the only change is he will go in for a Lupron shot every month.
We are having a Gina going away BBQ tonight with flank steak and hot wings.
Julie comes on Wednesday!
It's been a loooooooong three weeks.
Did you know that yesterday was the year anniversary of the blog?
Fun fact.
Wyatt eating an orange popsicle in the yard on his first day of nine.
Yesterday we went to town and went shopping and then went to Wyatt's Cubbie breakfast for dinner potluck.
Wyatt got a geography slide for his belt and a blue thing with his first bead, and they ALL sang happy birthday to him : )
Then we came home and had cake and ice cream and painted a birthday shirt for him.
Tomorrow or tuesday we will go to the movies with a few of his friends and then go to Pizza Hut.
Uh yeah.
Wendy's boyfriend Mr. Wonderful turned out to be Mr. Schlep.
He stood her up on Valentines day, but we don't know if it was on purpose or because he doesn't have her phone number.
I figure if he is dead in a ditch it's ok, but otherwise he could have called her at work the next day.
I still feel really bad for Wendy, he seemed like the greatest guy ever.
GK is feeling pretty good.
We went to the doctor on Friday and found that his PSA is going up pretty steady at 20 points a month.
he was diagnosed last Febuary with a PSA of 2500.
Honest, 2500.
This winter (November) it was down to 42 and now it's back up to 100.
Still amazing from where it started, but discouraging that it's going back up.
The doctor told us last year the hormone treatment would work for about a year, and it has.
They will wait another month or so to see if they want to change course in treatment, but for now the only change is he will go in for a Lupron shot every month.
We are having a Gina going away BBQ tonight with flank steak and hot wings.
Julie comes on Wednesday!
It's been a loooooooong three weeks.
Happy Birthday Wy, I'm sure glad your nine, I don't know if I could have stood ONE more day with an eight year old!
Wednesday, February 13, 2008
We just met Wendy's boyfriend and he is the best!
Everyone pray she keeps this one for a loooong time.
His name is Ryan and he's from Bellevue/Redmond and moved down here and does concrete work.
He REALLY likes her, you can tell.
When they left he called me mom : )
Wyatt is REALLY sick.
The flu I think
Horrible achy joints, fever, etc, etc...
He is really sad he will have to stay home and miss the valentines party tomorrow.
Cross your fingers GK doesn't catch whatever Wyatt has.
Wyatt is in quarintine upstairs, but still, you never know.
GK didn't tell anyone and went outside after one of the poodles day before yesterday.
Mike was in the bedroom and I was at the little house with Wendy.
Mike came out looking for GK just as I was coming back and there was GK holding himself up beside the house.
He had slipped and fallen and was on the ground for five minutes before he was able to pull himself up.
He hurt his shoulder and hip and ribs, but wouldn't let me take him to the doctor.
he seems to be ok though, it just hurts when he coughs.
kelly's pnominumiem is getting better, I talked to her yesterday and she could speak in complete sentances.
We have all been really worried about her.
I haven't heard anything from Julie in a few days.
I hope she didn't fall in a ditch or off a cliff.
She is coming here on the 20th.
She will fly into Portland and stay for a few days and then go home when M carlson and Olin are back from sking in Big White.
That makes me really happy
Mike went to town to get some medicine for Wyatt and a thermometer to take his temp.
He is the best husband I've ever had : )
He washed all the windows inside and out today and helped sand Wyatt's toolbox for the cubbies meeting on Saturday.
Good Night
Sunday, February 10, 2008
Well, it's been a crazy few days.
I will give you the low lights and the highlights.
My Grampy seems to be taking short trips around the crazy corner.
Thank gawd he comes back but the trip there is NO fun.
Some trips are longer than others and sometimes it's just one foot off the sidewalk all day long.
We went to the doctor on Wednesday for his cough and were sent for a chest x-ray of which we have never recieved the results.
Kelly has pnomiunmaeiun in both lungs.
Lloyd of course is away at work in Afghanistan and wont be home for weeks so K is alone and very sick.
Julie is still on her walking tour of Spain and has terrible oogy blisters on her feet.
I personally would have opted for the tour de Spain on the discovery channel.
Wyatt is counting the days to his birthday.
Wendy is working very hard.
Mike has had too many days off this week and is driving me crazy.
I got a letter from Trina on one of the craziest days. That put a bright spot in my heart.
I got a very cool postcard from Julie in Parris.
Kelly got roses from Lloyd in Afghanistan
Val called on Saturday and it was sooo good to talk to her. It's been a long time.
Did you know her husband is TWENTY EIGHT!
Right on ; )
Wyatt's birthday is almost here.
Wendy has been working soo hard.
Mike goes back to work tonight!
I think I am going to buy an elliptcal machine and work on getting rid of my second and third ass.
C Ya
Friday, February 8, 2008
The phone woke me up this morning.
I was sleeping so hard, like taking a nap on the couch in the sun on a hot day.
I was dreaming about JACK.
He was the BIGGEST pain in the ass ever, like Bill Murray in What about Bob, and the worst part was he LIVED with us.
Talk about a friggin nightmare.
Thursday, February 7, 2008
Let me tell you...
I had no energy left to blog last night.
I don't know what to say about Wyatt and his room.
I was a huge slob when I was a kid, so I can understand the problem he has, but goooood LOrd.
We took out bag after black plastic bag of paper, old toys, broken crayons and markers with no caps.
GK went to the doctor yesterday.
The doctor said he could hear "things" in GK's lungs so he sent him for an x-ray of which we still don't know the results.
Does that mean everything is ok?
What's up with not hearing back?
I'll call in a minute.
Mike and I went shopping today and I finally broke down and got some new clothes.
They don't fit.
How dumb.
I hate shopping.
Mike just went to town to see the chiropractor.
His hip and leg are always hurting, and his foot goes numb with spikey tingles.
Wendy is on her way home from Mt.Vernon.
She had to go do court things yesterday.
She called at 12:30 and said she was on her way home and then I called HER at 2:45 and she said she stayed to have lunch and was just leaving.
I swear, I otta kick her ass.
Ok, my stories are on, gotta go.
Tuesday, February 5, 2008
No doctor today, GK wouldn't go.
Made an apt for him tomorrow.
He's going.
Wendy' at work.
Mike and Wyatt went to Cubbies and Wy made a tool box.
Very cool.
Gizmo stunk so I washed him
Very tired.
I'm going to bed now.
Monday, February 4, 2008
Fun day
Mike was home from work today and Wyatt was at school, so Wendy and I split!
We had soooo much fun.
She got a new cell phone and we went to Ross and TJ max and Arby's and Bi-Mart.
I'm not saying it's not fun to go to town with Mike, but he never EVER say's oh my gawwwwd that issocuuuuuuuuuTe.
Girls say that a lot.
He never touches anything either.
He keeps his hands in his pockets and just says, "do you like it? If you like it get it"
Do you see the difference?
A girl would say..."That is the cutest EVER! Oh my gawd, you HAVE to get it, that is the BEST".
Ok, so GK and Mike stayed home.
I tried to get GK to go to the doctor today, but he wouldn't go.
I will try again tomorrow.
He did put his contacts in today, but after that he just got back in his chair and stayed there.
Wish me luck tomorrow.
Wyatt has been cleaning his room all afternoon.
It is a total rat hole.
I can empathize with the guy though....
I am a closet slob too.
I think there is something very freeing and somewhat barbaric about being a slob.
Kind of a quiet way of rebelling and sticking it to "the man".
I remember the winter I slept on the couch because my room was to big of a mess to get into.
Wendy was a senior in high school that year and would get mad when her friends would come over and I hadn't made up my "bed" yet.
It started to cause some tension between us, so as springtime came around I moved back in my room.
The other part I like about being a pig is the feeling of accomplishment you get when you decide to clean things up.
I could go into great depths on this, but I won't.
I need to go do the dishes.
Heres a picture of the chicken I got today.
Sunday, February 3, 2008
Super Food Sunday!
Wow, I love Super Bowl.
I don't really watch the game, but I cook and eat stuff ALL day.
Then I take a nap and get up and have dinner.
I made buffalo wings, chorizo bean dip, cheese and crackers and some artichoke dip.
About noon I put some ribs on the new BBQ and slow cooked them till' 6:00.
GK kept asking all day if we were having company : )
I am SO full tonight.
GK's cough is still REALLY bad and STILL getting worse.
I will call the doctor tomorrow to see if there is anything they can do.
Last night he coughed till' he was throwing up.
I'm glad I don't have any oogy issues with bodily functions, because trust me it's goin all day.
Anywho, he can't keep going on like this, it's to hard on him.
Mike went to work at 7:00 tonight and won't be home till' tomorrow mid morning, so Wendy is tucked in his bed tonight.
She has worked over 60 hours in six days and is pretty beat.
I know this is hard for anyone who knows Wendy to believe, but she has been getting up at 6:00am to be to work by 6:45.
Here's a Jack update.
He called tonight and told Wyatt that he is sending $100.00 for his birthday.
That's so nice....
Isn't there something in the Bible about lying to children?
Grammy always said "liars go to Hell", and I don't think she just made that up.
Ummm... I think that's all for today
I finished the "snow cammo" blanket
It is big and tacky.
If I knew I was going to put THAT much effort into it, I would not have used scrap yarn.
It's BIG.
I'll post a picture tomorrow.
Ok, I think that's it
Good Night
I don't really watch the game, but I cook and eat stuff ALL day.
Then I take a nap and get up and have dinner.
I made buffalo wings, chorizo bean dip, cheese and crackers and some artichoke dip.
About noon I put some ribs on the new BBQ and slow cooked them till' 6:00.
GK kept asking all day if we were having company : )
I am SO full tonight.
GK's cough is still REALLY bad and STILL getting worse.
I will call the doctor tomorrow to see if there is anything they can do.
Last night he coughed till' he was throwing up.
I'm glad I don't have any oogy issues with bodily functions, because trust me it's goin all day.
Anywho, he can't keep going on like this, it's to hard on him.
Mike went to work at 7:00 tonight and won't be home till' tomorrow mid morning, so Wendy is tucked in his bed tonight.
She has worked over 60 hours in six days and is pretty beat.
I know this is hard for anyone who knows Wendy to believe, but she has been getting up at 6:00am to be to work by 6:45.
Here's a Jack update.
He called tonight and told Wyatt that he is sending $100.00 for his birthday.
That's so nice....
Isn't there something in the Bible about lying to children?
Grammy always said "liars go to Hell", and I don't think she just made that up.
Ummm... I think that's all for today
I finished the "snow cammo" blanket
It is big and tacky.
If I knew I was going to put THAT much effort into it, I would not have used scrap yarn.
It's BIG.
I'll post a picture tomorrow.
Ok, I think that's it
Good Night
A Letter Home From Julie
lane 4 said...
hey! how are you? i wrote a very long email yesterday but i tried to send it and one of the addresses was incorrect and I ran out time before I could save or send. I was very fustrated to say the least. The trip is going well, a 15 mile walk yesterday and 16 today. More than 7 uphill yesterday a very steep ridge, but we were rewarded with magnificent views of all the country side. A lot of farming all around. Actually the trail goes through the fields or alongside. We ate lunch on the huge white whirling windmills placed in long lines along every ridge. I was so glad to be going down hill next, but it became grueling with huge round stones unevenly over all the paths which left with blisters and smashed toes. We were all tenderfooted as we limped into the monastery in Puenta la Reina, a town known for it´s ancient and beautiful arched bridge. The building are all large stones mortared together with very deep walls and thick wide plank doors with beartiful metal work holding them together. Very European. Reminds me some of Italy. I have to keep reminding myself that it is not Mexico. The culture is very different.
We slept in our first beds on Friday and were all so eager. The showers were cold and no heat in the room and weather was below freezing. Had a simple meals of lentils and bread and Adam made his Spanish tortilla, which is cooked sliced potatoes with eggs poured over top and cook in olive oil. Stick to your ribs kind of food. We had planned to stay in Pampaloma, where they run the bulls, a beautiful town, but the albergue (albeargay) was closed and we had to hike 3 miles down the road. Could only find a tiny grocery like a Little Store. Hard to make dinner for 13 with little choices. We took of to do the hike I earlier mentioned. The monastery in Puenta la REina was really nice, warm showers but again no heat except a fireplace in the dining room. We washed out our stinky clothes and hung them to dry. Somehow I left my tiny camp towel there and now my one t-shirt has been converted to a towel. Boohoo! I am trying to think of things to through out of my pack because it is still much too heavy and you really feel in on these long walks! I tore the first 5 chapters out of the book Fahren gave me for Xmas. It broke my heart as I have never destroyed a book since I was a baby probably! But aching feet and back are a driving force!
Could you let family know that i am posting on your blog. It is much easier than trying to send emails. Mitchell, Fahren, Mike, Liza, Kelly, Marilyn and Larry, Dad and Jo and Kim Blake. Maybe forward with a link to Mike and he could type in the names from my computer wich will come up with them right away.
Gotta Go out of time.
love to you all
Take Grampy to The DR!!!
hey! how are you? i wrote a very long email yesterday but i tried to send it and one of the addresses was incorrect and I ran out time before I could save or send. I was very fustrated to say the least. The trip is going well, a 15 mile walk yesterday and 16 today. More than 7 uphill yesterday a very steep ridge, but we were rewarded with magnificent views of all the country side. A lot of farming all around. Actually the trail goes through the fields or alongside. We ate lunch on the huge white whirling windmills placed in long lines along every ridge. I was so glad to be going down hill next, but it became grueling with huge round stones unevenly over all the paths which left with blisters and smashed toes. We were all tenderfooted as we limped into the monastery in Puenta la Reina, a town known for it´s ancient and beautiful arched bridge. The building are all large stones mortared together with very deep walls and thick wide plank doors with beartiful metal work holding them together. Very European. Reminds me some of Italy. I have to keep reminding myself that it is not Mexico. The culture is very different.
We slept in our first beds on Friday and were all so eager. The showers were cold and no heat in the room and weather was below freezing. Had a simple meals of lentils and bread and Adam made his Spanish tortilla, which is cooked sliced potatoes with eggs poured over top and cook in olive oil. Stick to your ribs kind of food. We had planned to stay in Pampaloma, where they run the bulls, a beautiful town, but the albergue (albeargay) was closed and we had to hike 3 miles down the road. Could only find a tiny grocery like a Little Store. Hard to make dinner for 13 with little choices. We took of to do the hike I earlier mentioned. The monastery in Puenta la REina was really nice, warm showers but again no heat except a fireplace in the dining room. We washed out our stinky clothes and hung them to dry. Somehow I left my tiny camp towel there and now my one t-shirt has been converted to a towel. Boohoo! I am trying to think of things to through out of my pack because it is still much too heavy and you really feel in on these long walks! I tore the first 5 chapters out of the book Fahren gave me for Xmas. It broke my heart as I have never destroyed a book since I was a baby probably! But aching feet and back are a driving force!
Could you let family know that i am posting on your blog. It is much easier than trying to send emails. Mitchell, Fahren, Mike, Liza, Kelly, Marilyn and Larry, Dad and Jo and Kim Blake. Maybe forward with a link to Mike and he could type in the names from my computer wich will come up with them right away.
Gotta Go out of time.
love to you all
Take Grampy to The DR!!!
Saturday, February 2, 2008
They were forcasting up to EIGHT inches last night..... but nothing!
Thank Gawd, because I tell you what, I am sick of snow.
GK's cough will not go away. It sounds like it is moving deeper into his chest and he is having a hard time in the late afternoon and evenings.
It's like he can't track.
Heres an example.
Yesterday, he kept asking what time Mike would be home from work.
By about 5ish he started asking me if Mike WAS at work.
Mike called at 7:30 and I told GK he was on his way home and GK asked Mike who.
Do you see where this is going?
I don't understand.
By the time he goes to bed everything is goofed up.
It makes me feel so bad.
Wendy loves her job and is making GREAT money.
The customers tell her there has never been a pretty bartender there EVER.
One guy walked in , had a beer and left to go get his friends!
Someone came in the afternoon who hadn't been in for a long time, but thought something was going on because the parking lot was full!
That's my girl ; )
Wyatt is fine, but his heart is broken.
His friend Jesse moved yesterday and he is affraid he will never see her again
She moved to Oregon City.
She probably lives CLOSER to us now than she did before.
I told Mike I thought Wyatt was born with an extra drama gene and he assured me that was incorrect, the child was raised in a nail shop and the back seat of a sixteen year old girls car.
When he said it that way it kind of made sense.
I'm going to Costco today and finishing my snow cammo blanket.
Mike bought me the CUTEST gnomes yesterday.
I'll take a picture of them later.
Thank Gawd, because I tell you what, I am sick of snow.
GK's cough will not go away. It sounds like it is moving deeper into his chest and he is having a hard time in the late afternoon and evenings.
It's like he can't track.
Heres an example.
Yesterday, he kept asking what time Mike would be home from work.
By about 5ish he started asking me if Mike WAS at work.
Mike called at 7:30 and I told GK he was on his way home and GK asked Mike who.
Do you see where this is going?
I don't understand.
By the time he goes to bed everything is goofed up.
It makes me feel so bad.
Wendy loves her job and is making GREAT money.
The customers tell her there has never been a pretty bartender there EVER.
One guy walked in , had a beer and left to go get his friends!
Someone came in the afternoon who hadn't been in for a long time, but thought something was going on because the parking lot was full!
That's my girl ; )
Wyatt is fine, but his heart is broken.
His friend Jesse moved yesterday and he is affraid he will never see her again
She moved to Oregon City.
She probably lives CLOSER to us now than she did before.
I told Mike I thought Wyatt was born with an extra drama gene and he assured me that was incorrect, the child was raised in a nail shop and the back seat of a sixteen year old girls car.
When he said it that way it kind of made sense.
I'm going to Costco today and finishing my snow cammo blanket.
Mike bought me the CUTEST gnomes yesterday.
I'll take a picture of them later.
Friday, February 1, 2008
All Week
Amazing how fast time goes, even when nothing is going on.
GK still has the cough. It seems to be getting worse again so we need to keep a close watch on it..
Wendy really likes her job.
She got snowed in on Tuesday and Mike was in John Day so I had to send a cab for her and sent her to Grandma's.
She looked at me so serious and said Mom, I'm not even saying this as a joke. Grandma is crazy.
I can't believe how much snow we have had this week.
Mike has been working alot. When the weather gets bad and nobody wants to go, who do they call.....Supertrucker!
Nothing new with Wyatt except for today is the first day of February so in his mind it's his birthday.
His birthday is the 16th.
Theres a big Boy Scout pot-luck that night so with any luck I can get away with calling that his party : )
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