Thursday, January 24, 2008

End of an Era

Well, the coyotes won.
They got the last duck last night who we will no longer refer to as Lucky.
We are so sad, but also understand that's how it goes in nature.
When we start over in the spring we will be sure to build some sort of coop that will accommodate the entire menagerie at night.. But for now, we are no longer the prospering duck and goose farmers that we once were.

Neighbor Nick is moving out of the little house on Friday.
Last night he took the entire family for a very nice dinner to show his thanks for being able to stay these last 5-6 months.
We had to take two cars, so Wen and Y rode in the truck with Nick, and Mike drove GK and I in the Cadillac.
The Cadillac was fresh out of the shop with a tune up, oil change and all over once over.
Everything went great until we hit the highway.
The car lost power, the headlights dimmed and we lugged our way to the next exit at top speeds of around 45.
Since I was fairly sure we weren't going to die it was really fun.
It was just bad enough that I had a really nervous feeling in my stomach and topped off with enough panic and anger coming from the front seat that it made for an all out adventure!
I was glad Mike was driving, because I had decided early on I would have just cried and stopped in the middle of my lane and waited for help.
GK never outwardly showed fear, but you could tell he probably had sweat building on his brow.
Mike was cool as a cucumber as he guided us off the highway and onto the back roads that led us straight to the restaurant parking lot. He barely had enough power to make the turn into the lot, but he did it!
We all had a nice dinner and then all crammed in to the front and back seats of Nick's truck for an uneventful ride home.
What a great night!
GK and Mike went to meet 3XA to have the car towed to town, it will be interesting to see whats wrong with it.

Mike just got a call from his Mom saying his Grandpa hand a heart attack this morning.

Gotta go.

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