Tuesday, December 11, 2007


Where does the time go?
Last night Julie said I hadn't posted a blog since the 1st and I guess she was right.
It went from Dullsville to Crazytown around here.

Wyatt was home from school for most of last week.
He had a bad cough, headache and fever.
That was a real drag, let me tell you.
I was also worried that he would infect GK, so it was quite a time keeping them away from each other.
Wyatt had to stay at one end of the house or upstairs, like he was in quarintine.

We made it through the week without GK getting sick, but now I have quite a cough.
Oh well.

We put our tree up last week and all the decorations.
It's like a christmas wonderland around this place.
The tree is silver and blue.
No white trash tree this year, it's very pretty.
Mike drove me around to EVERY Goodwill in the county on a Santa search.
We had so much fun finding all kinds of different santas to put throughout the house.

Mind you, Mike had ALL kinds of time to drive me around, because he hasn't worked for a week.
He got out of his 1/2 way house recovery room for the walking wounded job last Tuesday.
The day after the big rains and hasn't worked a day since.
It's dumb and I don't understand and I can't think about it without getting mad so I'm not talking about it anymore.

GK has been feeling really good.
He fell asleep in his chair this morning and when he woke up, he looked RIGHT at me and asked if Marilyn likes that new big screen t.v she got for Christmas.
I looked right back at him and told him she LOVED it!

I got a call on Friday from the company I work with for GK.
They asked if I could do a fill in job yesterday.
I said yes.
Big mistake.
I spent four (was supposed to be three) hours with the RUDEST old women in Clackamas county.
She wore a bad wig and had a bad dog and left me sitting in her car with the bad dog in parking lots all over town while she walked at snail speeds throughout the stores.
At one point she came back to the car and asked if I had left her car running the entire time she had been in the store.
I looked at her and pointed out it was only 35 degrees.
She observed that I musn't be to cold because I had the window down.
I told her it was because the car stunk like dog.
It was probably at that minute she decided she didn't like me.
When I first got to her house she had me walk the dog with a double leash because the dog was prone to running away.
(I didn't blame him)
When we returned she told me I was to brush and comb the dog, straight part down the middle.
I tried.
The whole time the dog was trying to attack me and escape.
She just bellered at me and told me to hold onto him and get the job done.
Quit messing around she said.
When the dog would get away, she told me to go after him and catch him.
After I was done and the dog had nearly had me for lunch, she told me I had to drive her to the vet so the dog could have his rabbies shot.
They had to muzzle the dog at the vet.
She criticized me the entire way there and the entire way back for my driving.
She said I drove to slow.
She would tell me to stick my foot in it and make the lights.
She had me an hour longer than she was scheduled.
When we turned into her driveway she said I was to run inside and call to end my billing hours and then I could unload the car and put her groceries away.
I didn't.
She told me to clean out her car.
I didn't.
She told me she was putting the bad dog in the back yard.
She didn't.
The bad dog ran outside while I was bringing in the groceries.
The bad dog ran away out the front door fast.
The bad dog ran onto the main street and cars were swerving and hitting their brakes.
That crazy woman was bellering from her house after the bad dog.
The crazy woman was also yelling at me to catch the bad dog.
I didn't like the woman or the dog.
The bad dog eventually ran home with me chasing behind.
I looked at the rude woman with the bad wig and the bad dog and kindly wished her a merry Christmas and walked away.

I decided yesterday that I do not like old people.
I like Gk and I liked Grammy.
I liked my Dad.
I don't think I want to risk it with any other old people.

That's all for today.

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