Thursday, October 29, 2015

Great Aunty Tranny

I don't think I'm still sick, but mannnn, I have a cough that just won't quit.
I sound like and 90 year old man with an 80 year smoking habit.

We have a new girl in the family!
My nephew and his wife made a girl baby and she comes in right on the heels of her girl cousin that my niece and her husband made!
I'm so excited, but I have to figure out what the new kids are going to call me.
Their parents call me (crazy) Aunty M, and Wendy's kid calls me Tranny because he refuses to say gra and will only say tra and now it's just a thing that will never change, and if anyone refers to me as Granny he defends my title as though someones trying to take down the queen.
Get it? 
So funny :D
Okay, so, I'm thinking the new kids can call me (crazy) Tranny M?
Or maybe Tranty M?
Because that incorporates the reference to the third hierarchy once removed...?
I don't know, I'll have to give this some thought.
Anyway, welcome to the family Faela Rose and Charlotte Mae, we're so happy to have you!

I'm in a cooking slump.
I'd like to think it's because I've been sick, but I would be fooling myself because it's been going on for the better part of the summer.
I made a kick ass crockpot lasagna last week, and I've made a rack or two of  really good BBQ ribs, but that's about it, everything else has sucked.
I follow new recipes to the letter, I go old school and still, I find myself feeding more to Pearl (the pig) than to us. 
Tonight I think we'll have bologna sandwiches and macaroni and cheese.

I'm getting my soap stock built up again.

So far I have some coffee bean and pumpkin curing and up next will be some baby (for the girls) and then some Christmas soaps.
Nothing fancy, and so far nothing on the curing rack is scented, but I think I may throw some scent in my Christmas bars.

I've made some car seat size baby afghans that I need to weave the ends on and get listed and then get busy on some baby beenies for the Etsy shelves.
Maybe some slippers too.
And some rugs.
No infinity scarves this year though, I'm totally over those.

1 comment:

  1. Sorry to hear that you're still coughing M - it can sure grate on a person to just hack & hack (at least it does me) & tire you out!
    Congrats on another baby to fuss over. I have a friend who's 41 & has just had her first baby; boy it's been fun to crochet stuff for baby Amy & pick out little things for her. I can wait til the kids are really ready of course, but boy-o-boy I look forward to being a Gramma someday too.
    That coffee bean soap sounds awesome; besides the glorious smell, what a great exfoliator coffee can be.
    So I'm not the only one who gets sick of a certain crafty-type thing! I hear you on the infinity scarves - a few years back I made a lot of the twirly scarves that were more about fashion that warmth. I sold quite a few & then the market just dropped out for them, leaving me with a stash. I'm slowly gifting them away but it's almost as though I have to meet someone new to have someone to gift one! :-)

    Is your little dude old enough for the Captain Underpants stories? My kids loved them when they were small - something about saying Captain Underpants always seemed a bit naughty to them(?) & would make them giggle their heads off.
    Another series mine liked was the Goosebumps series - they were older for that one though, maybe their 8-12 years.
