That is not the question, but more how I have felt about the weird little seed thingy that is all the rage, but I have decided I need to throw myself into this strange food and find something to like about it.
When my sister came to babysit me after my imploding arterial adventures last year, she left me with a Costco size bag of the stuff and it's been staring at me, taunting me and shaming me with my every reach past it to the Coco Puffs and Pop Tarts.
So the time has come to conquer the quinoa.
I have been spending a fair amount of time on the internets trying to find a recipe or two that combines my lifetime love of sugar, starch and spice and my new found vow to eliminate my lifetime love of sugar, salt and spice.
Remember I said yesterday how surprising it is how fresh foods and herbs can really shake up your pallet, but it's a slow process to completely relearn you ways of food preparation.
So with that said, here's a recipe I found at My Food & Happiness that I must say looks pretty amazing. I also think the rest of her blog is pretty enticing, so you might want to head over there after you leave here and see what else you can find.
Ok, so here's the recipe, Easy Seafood Paella.

Ummm, yeah, deelish, right?
The only thing I can imagine being wrong with this recipe would be the quinoa.
But I'm willing to give it a go and I'll review it tomorrow, and just remember, if I don't like it, it's only because of the... Quinoa.
This is really a HUGE step in my nutritional maturity.
I went to spend the day with Wendy and her three year old baby a day or so ago and while we were sitting on the couch discussing the latest Kardashian news the baby came up to me and said,
(thats what he calls me because he can't say his G's)
"Tranny! what happened to your face?!"
I pondered for a minute and replied,
"I don't know. What's the matter with my face?"
To which he said,
"Tranny you have to go to the doctor!"
Again I wondered what could be wrong with my face and looked at him with a rather befuddled look as he reached up and stuck his pointer finger in my squinting wrinkle right between my eyebrows at the top of my nose and the bottom of my forehead and said,
"There Tranny! Right there! Your face is broken!"
Real nice.
I wonder if there's a recipe for Botox on Pinterest.
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