Friday, July 6, 2012

The Story Of Astro

The cutest kitten you have ever seen...

With two colored eyes one blue and one green.

But soon he grew up, and he fell in love

With a black and white temptress known simply as Olive.

Things went to far as things often do and before he knew it along came the crew.

So Astro packed up and went on a trip, 

to see the vet about having a snip.

Now Astro is resting, all snug in his bed

While thoughts of revenge run through Olives head.



  1. erin kenn's sisterJuly 6, 2012 at 9:46 AM

    OMG! We are pracically in the car coming to see.
    From all of us: me, nina, ava.

  2. Awww... Poor Astro. I want a kitteh!! (Not really. But they're cute!)
