Friday, July 6, 2012

The Story Of Astro

The cutest kitten you have ever seen...

With two colored eyes one blue and one green.

But soon he grew up, and he fell in love

With a black and white temptress known simply as Olive.

Things went to far as things often do and before he knew it along came the crew.

So Astro packed up and went on a trip, 

to see the vet about having a snip.

Now Astro is resting, all snug in his bed

While thoughts of revenge run through Olives head.


Thursday, July 5, 2012

Iced Coffee Anyone?

The Pioneer Woman posted a recipe for iced coffee about three months ago.
I was so excited because I have been trying to make a good iced coffee with the worst results and I could not for the life of me figure out what the trick was because there was obviously a trick.
Turns out there were lots of tricks.
I see instructions for iced coffee all over Pinterest now, so discovering the trick is a cake walk and all you need are a few basic ingredients.

Here we go...

One pound of ground coffee.
I see that every store now offers an iced coffee blend and I don't know if that means anything, but it's the same price so you might as well try it.

Pour the entire bag of coffee into a large bowl

Then add one gallon of water and gently combine.

Now you have a big bowl of black oogy coffee soupy slop.


Refrigerate overnight.

The next morning get some cheesecloth

and lay it in a strainer.

Put the strainer over a two quart pitcher

and strain the whole works into the pitcher.


Get a can of PET and a can of sweetened condensed milk 

and mix the two of them together in a shakeable something like this

Then pour the coffee and cream over a glass of ice like this!

This is the only picture that's mine, all the rest are Google pics.

Ok, that's all for now.
I've had so much iced coffee while putting this post together I think I need to go clean the pasture or put a new roof on the barn.
