Monday, June 11, 2012

Spring Abounds!

Well, I guess Spring has finally sprung on the farm, and it is definitely a big year for babies!
We started out with this guy...

Even though he came a few months early we're still counting him as this years addition.

Then came Butch... Followed closely by four more that looked just like him.

Then Olive with her four little kittens.

~no photos yet~

And Mary Ellen the Muscovy is sitting on another clutch of eggs due to hatch any day and turn into a passel of these...

And the turkeys Wills and Kate or Wills and Roy or Kate and Louise are growing up and almost ready to leave the garage.

And Penny and Steve have a nest filled with eggs nestled safely in a stack of hay hidden in the barn.

And then surprise of all surprises, Rita hatched a great big beautiful baby llama yesterday afternoon!

Isn't she something...

We have to do all the baby business today, but we think she is a bouncing baby girl and we're calling her Roxy.

This morning when I went up to the barn to do my morning rounds Buddy ran out to play with her and they were running and frolicking in the tall spring grass while Rita looked on taking in the madness of her brand new baby rolling around with a soaking wet, barking mad, slightly manic border collie.
It was quite a sight :)

I haven't finished my rag quilt yet but it is coming along slowly.
Lot's of cutting. Lot's of cutting. Lot's of cutting.

Yesterday was our anniversary.
Six and I have been married seven years now.
That's officially more years than I have had husbands and a record breaking amount of time for each one of us in any given marriage.
I cross my fingers this one lasts till' I'm dead.
So far we're having a pretty good time and the outlook is good.



  1. Happy Anniversary! Love all those babies! My peahen is sitting on a nest too now. I love the llama. I really think I'm going to get another one. I have too much land for one llama to keep safe.

  2. Happy Belated Anniversary.
    I want a baby llama. :)
