Tuesday, March 13, 2012


I can't believe it's March and we're getting our first real snowfall of the year!
last night it was pouring down rain when sometime around midnight things turned eerily silent...
I got out of bed and went to the window, turned on the outside light and saw big fat chunks of white stuff falling from the sky covering everything around me.

Oh well, what are you gonna do?
Wyatt has the day off from school
(They didn't actually cancel school in his district, but hey it's March and we have eight or so inches of snow so I call a snow day)
and Six is home from his new job doing what he used to do but is now doing as a second job, driving log truck.
Times are tight here on the farm and with my rotten broken body and Safeway only calling once or twice a week (if that) Six had to take on a second job which is really like a first job because the first job is really not even like a job at all.
And who cares anyway, he loves driving log truck and the more time that passes the higher his seniority goes at Safeway and the better off we'll be in the future.

We still have three lambs in the garage that I'm bottle feeding.
Butch is big enough to be out in the barnyard but spoiled enough to stay warm and dry inside and toss back a warm bottle four or five times a day.

The girls are still small but think they're as big as their older brother.
They follow him everywhere and all three love to jump and tumble around the barnyard when they go out to play with the real sheep.
Pickle is the smallest but the scrappiest, and Polly is the pretty sneaky sis, squeezing through fences and venturing a little farther out than the other two and Butch is a cry baby just like his mother.

The big news around the barnyard is that my real life grannybaby is moving in to the little house next door!
All the driving back and forth to their house and back and forth to their house and then to town and back for doctors and errands is getting to be a real pain in the a$$ so having them next door will be a huge relief for all of us.
I still consider him our special little fragile baby boy and he needs a little extra TLC.
Having a preemie is a big job for first time parents so I feel so so blessed to be able to have them close.

We will sure miss our neighbor Butch who in the last year has became a part of our family and we hope to stay close to him as the years go on ❤

Speaking of my grannybaby, he weighed almost eight pounds at his checkup yesterday!

Gotta go, everyone is getting up and chattering on about the snow!


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