Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Shave and a Haircut

Let me tell you something...
I forgot what it's like to be the house boss and have to do a bunch of stuff all by myself, but Six going back to work five days a week has been a REAL snap back to the world of how things go!
Now that he's gone all day I have to feed everyone in the barn yard which consists of the sheep the chickens the guineas the geese the ducks the goat the pig the donkeys the llamas and the peacocks.
Then everyone in the house, the fish the birds the dogs and the cats.
Then I have to doctor the gimpy lamb that the goose bit, bottle feed the other three clowns and then send them all out to sheep school in the barnyard so someday they can take care of themselves and move out of my garage.
Oh, and I have to feed Rocket Rabbit who needs to be plucked and spun.

Then I have to do all the other stupid inside stuff like laundry, cooking and dishes.
I could go on, but I'll spare you the rest of the ugly details about cleaning toilets, mopping floors and then somehow still finding time to keep up with everything on my DVR, Facebook, Pinterest and Draw Something.

It snowed here last week.

And then the power went out.
And then I think I got asphyxiated because I carefully set my phone down in a full cup of coffee.
Oh well I got a really cool new phone so it's all good.

He hasn't had one since last May.
I picked up Wendy and the cutest grannybaby in the whole world ever to go to Ikea and run a bunch of errands and then I sprung it to him in the car traveling fifty-five miles an hour down the highway so there was no getting away.
His eyes filled with tears as he hung his head and started to shake, but I'm older and have a bigger brain and this isn't my first go-round with a mood induced teenager and I wheeled that truck into the hair cutting place, drug him out by his little purple bangs and with the threat of computer removal from his room he silently sat awaiting the inevitable.

And he looks FANTASTIC!

And of course he loves it and spent the rest of the night in front of the mirror in the big bathroom with a bucket of Axe hair grease styling and spiking his new do.
He also cleaned his room.
Go figure.

I have found time to do a little soaping.

I made Sexy Little Things by Victoria Secrets for Deb to get back in her good graces after running an expose on to cross or not to cross your legs when you pee.
She's a crosser.

The soaps will be on Etsy soon :)

K, gotta go.


Friday, March 16, 2012


Did it rain at your house yesterday?
It was a monsoon here.
Great big floppy wet rain, all day.
And I got to drive where I didn't know where I was going late on the freeway with no navigation because I went back to my beloved horse and buggy blackberry.

I spent half of what otherwise might have been a just fine day at trailerpark school fulfilling state requirements so as not to be heavily fined or have a lien put upon our property and the worst part of it was they didn't even come close to serving enough brownines and the coffee was bad.
For all twohundred people.
Yes, two-hundred people.
The last class I went to had about twenty-five people.
This class had two-hundred.
One of which was a particularly large woman with a twisted ankle and a cane that kept falling on my foot and a bad habit of never stopping talking
I turned and faced the front of the class so she couldn't see my ears, but she just spun around to the older half deaf man seated behind her at the table and talked to him.
The entire time.

The conversations went something like this...

LL (large Lady): Do you have any cats?

HDOM (Half Deaf Old Man): What?

LL: Cats. Do you have any cats?

HDOM: No. I don't like cats.

HDOM: My wife has a cat.

LL: You don't like cats?

HDOM: What?


HDOM: Yes.

LL: I have seven cats.

HDOM: You have seven hats?

LL: !CATS! I have seven cats.

HDOM: Oh. My wife has a cat.

This went on for four hours.
And I never even get a brownie.

After enduring those four grueling hours of the cat hoarding loud talker I decided to finish off the day with a theme dinner and prepare a long standing family favorite.
Trailerpark Tacos.
If you're familiar with my cooking you know that I serve a number of trailerpark themed dishes, but this is by far one of the best and the recipe has been requested by many one person so here goes...

Trailerpark Tacos
1 thing of crescent rolls
1 lb 80/20 hamburger drained
1 package taco mix seasoning
1 can refried beans
1 little can chopped up green chillies
sour Cream
grated cheese

Put half of the crescent rolls (4) in the bottom of a casserole this size

Not the 9X13, but the square one.
I spray the bottom with Pam first but I don't know if you have to.
Then mix up the beans in a bowl so they get kind of soft and then spread them over the crescent rolls.
Then put the hamburger that you've browned and added the taco seasoning to over the beans.
Then plop some sour cream over the hamburger.
Then add the whole little can of chopped green chillies evenly over all of that.
Then cover that with grated cheese.
Then lay the other four crescent rolls across the top.
Bake in a preheated 375 degree oven until it's done, usually about 10-20 minutes, it just depends how hot your oven runs, but it's done when it's browned.
Serve and top with sour cream, shredded lettuce, tomatoes, onions, salsa 
(the packages that you get from Taco Bell are the best)
and whatever else you like.
So good!

I am proud to announce that the Sate of Oregon has qualified me to pass the recipe on to you.

It got a little crumpled in the rain.


Wednesday, March 14, 2012


And self promoting!

I just thought I would let you know there's some suds and rugs available in my Etsy shop...

The soaps are pumpkin spice (a great kitchen soap) cucumber melon and nettle.

You can click the Etsy link above or here to see more!

Ok, that's all for today I think I promise.


Super Clean!

Have I mentioned how much I love this stuff?

Well I do.
For everything in the house.
But here's my favorite.
Sweep the floor.
Put on my handy dandy swiffer sweeper cover...

Except I use a cotton one instead of an acrylic one but I only had a picture of an acrylic one.
And then I spray the floor and scrub!


It's perfect with my rotten back because I get a floor that is just as good as hand scrubbed without having to sprawl out on the floor and then wait for someone to get home to yard me back up.
I'm not even kidding you, it's amazing.
I could do it every day if I wanted to, but I wouldn't ever want to.

Anyway, I just thought I would share this little tip with you, and Clorox if you're listening I'll take a case in the original non lemon scented please and thank you.


Tuesday, March 13, 2012


I can't believe it's March and we're getting our first real snowfall of the year!
last night it was pouring down rain when sometime around midnight things turned eerily silent...
I got out of bed and went to the window, turned on the outside light and saw big fat chunks of white stuff falling from the sky covering everything around me.

Oh well, what are you gonna do?
Wyatt has the day off from school
(They didn't actually cancel school in his district, but hey it's March and we have eight or so inches of snow so I call a snow day)
and Six is home from his new job doing what he used to do but is now doing as a second job, driving log truck.
Times are tight here on the farm and with my rotten broken body and Safeway only calling once or twice a week (if that) Six had to take on a second job which is really like a first job because the first job is really not even like a job at all.
And who cares anyway, he loves driving log truck and the more time that passes the higher his seniority goes at Safeway and the better off we'll be in the future.

We still have three lambs in the garage that I'm bottle feeding.
Butch is big enough to be out in the barnyard but spoiled enough to stay warm and dry inside and toss back a warm bottle four or five times a day.

The girls are still small but think they're as big as their older brother.
They follow him everywhere and all three love to jump and tumble around the barnyard when they go out to play with the real sheep.
Pickle is the smallest but the scrappiest, and Polly is the pretty sneaky sis, squeezing through fences and venturing a little farther out than the other two and Butch is a cry baby just like his mother.

The big news around the barnyard is that my real life grannybaby is moving in to the little house next door!
All the driving back and forth to their house and back and forth to their house and then to town and back for doctors and errands is getting to be a real pain in the a$$ so having them next door will be a huge relief for all of us.
I still consider him our special little fragile baby boy and he needs a little extra TLC.
Having a preemie is a big job for first time parents so I feel so so blessed to be able to have them close.

We will sure miss our neighbor Butch who in the last year has became a part of our family and we hope to stay close to him as the years go on ❤

Speaking of my grannybaby, he weighed almost eight pounds at his checkup yesterday!

Gotta go, everyone is getting up and chattering on about the snow!


Saturday, March 3, 2012

Weekend Update

Between feeding THREE sheep

and working on cleaning out our storage junk pig pen out of sight out of mind rooms upstairs I managed to get another rug done and some soap made!
I haven't made soap since October so I may have lost a few of my soapy skills...
I added a tad to much honey which makes it too hot and then causes it to process to fast so I rebatched it and decided to love it up a little with an extra splash of olive oil and that made it a too soft.
Oh well, this will just be a batch that sits on the curing rack a little longer than most and then my family and friends can look forward to some super sweet soft silky soap!

I love the rug.
It's on Etsy ;)

Wendy and Grannybabydaddy came with Grannybaby for dinner last night.
I made my new favorite pork chops but tweaked the recipe a little and ruined everything.
That's so dumb, I don't know why I always try to be Julia freaking Childs and add my own spin to things.
For sh!ts sake it's a campbell soup and ranch dressing recipe, there really isn't anywhere to go with it.
Oh well, they'll just have to come back again and have it done right.
My blueberry cobbler was fabulous though so that kind of made up for the crock pot pork chop fail.

Speaking of my grannybaby I get him for the whole afternoon!
I bet he couldn't even sleep last night just because he's SO excited!

Did you hear about my Snapfish photo experience?
I ordered a ton of photos in every size and then waited patiently by my mailbox for them to arrive and then they came and I opened the envelope and they sucked a$$!
Can you believe that?!
I was so mad!
I was so mad I decided to call them and let them know how disappointed I was and do you know what they did...
Refunded ALL my money.
Yes, you heard me.
They gave me a full refund.
So here's to Snapfish, for providing poor product quality and outstanding customer service.

When my grannybaby is here today I'll take lots of pictures and then send them to not Snapfish to be processed.

Six starts driving log truck again on Monday!
He'll still be working for Safeway but on the days he's not delivering foodstuff he'll be delivering woodstuff.

Happy Saturday
