Thursday, April 28, 2011

When Things Go Bad...

We withdrew Wyatt from school yesterday.
I know that's like changing races at the finish line, but I didn't feel like I had any other choice.
He's had such a hard time this year with his Peter Griffin teacher and dealing with bullying all year. We've made numerous trips to school to meet with the principal and his counselor but nothing seemed to work, and even though it's just a few kids who were the offenders, it was so destructive. The bullying took place in the classroom the hallways and even on the bus and for some reason, one kid in particular just continued to get away with it. If they did intervene with any sort of discipline the consequences for Wyatt were just worse the next time around. So now here we are going into May and we have watched Wyatt become more and more withdrawn and isolated and decided we had no choice but to take a more drastic action. I looked into charter schools but they all have a waiting list a year long which tells me something about the state of our schools in this county and I also read up on homeschooling both public and private and decided I'm not cut out to learn, much less teach. I don't have the patience to watch the commercials during Dancing With The Stars, how could I teach the social life of ants. We ended up just changing districts. Actually, we ended up changing back to our own district that we were moved out of. He started there in March 2006 when we moved here and the next year they said we were in the wrong tax district when really we were in the right district and they were wrong but after they made us move but didn't even know where we were supposed to move to and I had to figure it out on my own driving around in the goatwagon because the caddy had a flat and then a month later they said we had to come back to the district I knew was ours all along I was mad and wouldn't come back.
So his new/old school is just about two miles from the house and the 6th grade is still considered grade school there. Next year he will go into middle school which just happens to be a brand new school.
I really hope we're making the right choice.
Wyatt is so relieved and to see him laughing and smiling and engaging again makes me so happy, but at the same time I'm really nervous for him to start a new school.
I always hated being the new kid.
One more thing.
The school we took him out of just had their third bomb threat in a little over a month.
The high school had one two weeks ago.
Thats four bomb threats in a very short span of time which in my mind screams chaotic learning environment.
Stay tuned to see how the adventures in end of year school changes go.

Yesterday I had a piece of carrot cake that I made last Friday and it didn't taste right and I thought it was just because it had been sitting out on the counter for almost a week and was getting a little stale, so I cut myself an inside piece and it still didn't taste right but I really like carrot cake with cream cheese frosting so I ate it anyway.
Turns out it it didn't taste right not because it was stale, but because it had gone bad.
I Googled cream cheese frosting and learned it needs to be refrigerated because it is  c h e e s e  and milk and cheese need to be refrigerated because they are dairy products and dairy products turn bad if not refrigerated

I may never eat carrot cake again.



  1. So sorry to hear about the bullying. I'm already worried about it - and mine haven't started school yet. I hope that the new school is MUCH better for him.

  2. It sounds to me you did the right thing! Except for eating that carrot cake! Scary carrot cake...shudder...!

  3. Oh hun! I'm so sorry he and the family are having to go threw that! That is one of my worst fears. One of the reasons I put Cole into a faith based school next to us, it's making me stretch our budget but worth it.

    OH freaking Lord lady Cream Cheese ... lol

  4. YAY! Good for you Mom.... you can never do too much when it comes to the health, wellbeing, and protection of our children (that and it is heartbreaking to see them going through stuff like that and no one will do anything about it).

  5. As a middle school teacher, I can tell you how frustrating it is to try and stop bullying. When you have special needs students or parents that are as big of bullies as their parents, it seems like the kids are free to do whatever they want without consequence. I hope things go well for him.

  6. Well darn...I left you a comment the other day and it never showed up. Don't know what happened to it.

    I know someone who used to home school and she home schooled another persons child as well. They paid her to do it, but it's something to consider if this other school doesn't work out...if anyone lives nearby that home schools. I don't know what I'd do in your situation but I think you did the right thing. And this is nothing like the last comment I left!

    Did you make the scones? They're yummy.
    Cindy Bee
