Monday, March 21, 2011

Back to the Blog!

Can you believe it's been a month!
Oh. Em. Gee... Time really goes by in a hurry!

As most of you know, last month I was "hired" to drive school bus, but first I had to complete all the training both written and driving, and get my CDL before I could be officially hired and TODAY was the day I was officially hired!
I passed the last of my tests on saturday and today I went to sign all of my paperwork.
I can't believe it, who would have figured after being a nail lady all those years I'd end up behind the wheel of a big yellow bus :D

As usual, nothing was quiet around this place while I was doing my training.
We had a big almost freak windstorm blow through a week or so ago and it blew Betty right off her post in front of the little house.

She was gone for almost a week before Wyatt heard her down at the bottom of the front pasture on the other side of the fence.
Wyatt and I tried to get her back ourselves, but Wyatt ended up slipping and falling in the mud and hurting his knee pretty bad so we decided to wait until the next day when 6 came home and he and I were able to get her back on the right side of the fence and reunite her with the rest of the flock.
What a relief, I was so worried about her and didn't know rather peafowl were able to find their way home or not.
Apparently they are.

One of the ewes had a single lamb two weeks ago, a little ram lamb we named Todd.

He is super cute and doing really well, no bottles or sleeping on the kitchen floor for this guy.
I'm waiting patiently for the other ewe to lamb and I'm pretty sure she'll have twins.
I need to "tutor" Todd and see about trading off Dan since he's done his work here with our girls and I'll be looking to find a ram with some color for the next round.

Pansy, Wyatt's cat never came home.
We spent many sad days trying to find her, but never found a sign of her.
Astro was pretty lonely without her so a week or so ago we got online and found a little black, short haired, long eared, skinny tailed kitten.
He's the total opposite of Astro, but they bonded right away and he's been nothing but non-stop entertainment from the moment he came through the front door!
His name is Angus, but we call him the monkey because he swings his way around the house like he's part of the circus.



Wyatt is home on spring break this week and of course he's sick.
I don't know what it is with this kid but it seems like he's been a sicky all year.
Now it's allergies and his eyes are all swollen and itchy and he's coughing like an eighty year old chain smoker.
He's taking allergy pills and Mucinex and it seems to be working, but I sure will be glad when the winter crud season is over and the springtime pollen has past.

I need to get lunch ready now and then see if I can squeeze in some time to catch up on my reading.
Later Taters!



  1. Congratulations Marilyn on your CDL. That is a great accomplishment and I know you will love it! Your Betty looks just like my Chloris. Glad she made it home :)
    Good to have you back!!

  2. yeah I'm so glad your back, but I'm so excited you will be driving bus!

    I hope Wyatt feels better soon.

  3. Congrats! Glad to hear you're all official now. : )

    Todd is so sweet and Angus is adorable although he has the look of trouble in his eyes!


  4. Congratulations have fun on the yellow bus. aahh cute pics. B
