The big news in the barnyard this week is we have a hen who has been sitting on eggs. No, not Frack, who as you may remember was sitting on rocks, but Red who sits on actual eggs and she managed to hatch out two of them! The first one out was strong and strappy, but the second one to crack was cold, lifeless and kind of oogy. Wyatt and leeAnn scooped her up and ran into the house where I quickly placed her in a preheated oven and commenced chicken bake 2010. I rubbed her and turned her so as not to overcook one side of her and within an hour or so she was rolling around with eyes opened and feathers fluffed!
We have to keep them in a box under a light instead of with Red because they would surely be smashed by the menagerie if left in the barnyard.
Heres a picture of them today at three days old...
So I listed Snowball the white donkey for sale on Craigslist last night. I got quite a few responses but one in particular from a really nice lady who knew alot about donkeys so I decided she would be a perfect home to adopt Snow out to, but something terrible happened... Wyatt had a emotional breakdown of mammoth proportion (donkey pun intended) He turned on the waterworks and had me feeling like the cruelest mother in the world. I instantly had visions of him being featured on Animal Hoarders fifteen years from now explaining the reason why he had fifty eleven cats and twice as many ferrets living in his single wide with holes in the floor was because his mother sold his beloved donkey. I tried explaining to him that we never planned on getting another donkey and that the only reason we got Snow was because she came free with Joe and was mangey and hungry. He wasn't having any of it. The tears kept coming. I finally wagered a deal with him to keep Snow, but Dan the Ram had to go along with the newly aquired anti-social llamas. It took some quick thinking on my part, but we eventually struck a deal. The llamas (not Tina) have been voted off the Island along with Dan the Energizer Ram. We have doubled our investment in the sheep department, Dans job here is done and the snobby llamas can go guard someone else's flock.
Snowball avoided elimination ❤
I made soap yesterday, pearberry again, my favorite. I also made some pearberry soy candles which smell deeeeelish. I figure it won't be too long before I'm sick to death of pearberry, but for now I can't get enough! I really like red clover tea too, maybe I should switch things up a bit and alternate. Wyatt made some cotton candy candles that smell soooper good too.
I completely agree with Wyatt - get rid of the snark llamas, and don't rams smell? Donkeys are too like horses to dump on craigslist... hmph. Don't let Old Joe hear of this, cranky ears would be likely to result.