Friday, January 29, 2016

New Year New Projects

I have taken up sewing. 
Very simple sewing mind you, but sewing none the less. 
I started with an apron and a pattern from Sewing For Dummies pattern #1140.
I have to be honest, I think my favorite part of the entire project was picking out the fabric and let me tell you, if I was ever afraid of having a yarn obsession, fabric could be much, much worse.
Ok, so I picked my pattern, chose my fabric, then my sister taught me how to read the pattern which was great, but I kind of figured out (the hard way) that reading a pattern is just like reading a recipe or putting together a bookshelf from Ikea.
Simple if you follow directions, hair pulling and tears if you don't. 
I shed a few tears. 
I didn't do my fold, iron, pin and stitch correctly, but on the upside I learned how to pull stitches really well.

I started and finished a rug for my Grand Niece Faela Rose.

It's done with yellow and pink rose flannel sheets from my sister (her grammy)

I did it a new way in hope of sharpening my sewing skills and getting to know my sewing machine by sewing a fold over and connecting all my sheets. Usually I just rotary cut my strips and attach them with slips through slits as I go. This probably took longer, but the result was a cleaner, more finished look and the rose pattern showed through the entire rug. Imaging cutting a king size sheet in one inch strips and sewing it back together end to end... I am now a master machine threader!

I also started and finished a blanket for my other Grand Niece Charlotte Mae that is absolutley to die for!
I used Red Heart Snuggle Bunny Goldfish.

With a size 11 hook I did a granny straight stitch (I don't know if that's really what it's called) but it was perfect for this yarn!

If you're new to crochet, there's a great tutorial for a "running granny" at Dream A Little Bigger. Super simple and there are so many ways to use this great stitch. I love a big hook lofty design, so I always switch my patterns up a bit and just adjust for size.

Ummmm, what else.... I called a haul out company to come clean out the shop at the little house. There's no way we can rent it out anymore because of the antique non existant septic, so the shop had just become a catch all not only for me, but also the last three renters. 
It was so great, I felt like it was a trailerpark version of Hoarders as they hauled out two washing machines, a dryer, old mattresses, a freezer, tires, and anything else that was old, wet, moldy or broken. 
I swear, it was so liberating, and such a feeling of accomplishment. Even though I just stood there and pointed at stuff. Now I have room for hay without having to walk to the barn and don't have to worry about tripping and falling and breaking myself.

One more thing.
I've lost 14 pounds!