Sunday, July 7, 2013

Split The Sheets

Well, I'm not sure if this is the classiest way, but I think it is the easiest way to let everyone in on some big changes here on the farm.
Six and I are divorcing.
There are many reasons for our seperation none of which I will go into, but we both knew there was no other resolution to our situation.
I want to say that my family and I wish him all the best and that we hope he finds happiness in whatever life has in store for him.

I have taken a position at Safeway as a cheese steward and I'm so excited to learn everything there is to know about cheese...
Goat cheese, sheep cheese, cow cheese, blue cheese, swiss cheese, old cheese, stinky cheese, new cheese!
See, I think I'm a natural :)

I'm happy to have the neighbors to help out, Neighbor Dad was up until dusk last night mowing and weed eating the mobile spaces and teaching Wyatt a thing or two about manual labor at the same time.
I think they will end up being a good team.
Neighbor Mom (Wendy) has already been a big help with flower beds and general outdoor drudgery, but I have to say the only thing her baby is good at right now is noise making and cuteness.
That's ok, so long as he has a job that he's good at.

This time of year is pretty easy with the animal population but things might get interesting this winter during lambing season with a falling down barn.
One of my first priorities is finding a way to trade or barter someone into helping me get the bad parts of the barn down and piecing together the usable area, but I'm confidant that everything will come together.

In other news, Mama Llama Rita had her cria on the July 2nd!
Mother and baby are both happy and doing well and Ruby is the cutest, springiest, hoppingest thing on four long legs!
If you don't already have a baby llama of your own you should seriously look into getting one, you won't be sorry you did.

This is Rocky, last years baby and his brand new sister Ruby.

And this is Rita (on the right) and the kids.
I think Rex is off somewhere with the sheep smoking cigars and drinking brandy.

So that's about it for now, be sure to follow on facebook, it's quicker to update, even though I still have a hard time keeping up there too.
Summer lambing season starts soon so there's an overload of cuteness on the way!
