Thursday, February 14, 2013

Complaint Department

You might want to pull up a set of earplugs with this mornings coffee, because it's gonna be a whiny one...

My clothes don't fit.
I don't have great clothes anyway and I'm ok with that, fashion is not my driving force, but I'm talking about the big picture.
From my foundations to my sparkly outer layer.
All I have in my closet is the three bears, way to big, still to small and really ugly.
I think even the sheep are starting to talk.
I have one outfit that fits just right and it's a pair of yoga pants with a fleece warm up jacket and it makes me look very athletic but I think the people at the feed store have decided it can't be coincidence that I have just come from a Birkman class every time I need hay.
My underpants fall down and my bras are to big.
My shoes are to loose and my shirts are to long.
I look like a refugee from the Biggest Loser.
Oh well.
I ordered the first pair of tennis shoes since middle school p.e.

Back then we had to order everything from the Sears Catalog so I have a thing about things coming in the mail.

I count days and can't wait.

I'm going to walk the track at the school so I don't have to start out going up and down hills, but I think the hardest part of my walk is going to be the walk to my car to drive to the school!
Don't worry, I can do it.

Six had surgery on his hand yesterday and was a real trooper.
The entire procedure took less than ten minutes and we were seriously HOME before 9:AM.
He's on the pills, but I thought I was going to have to give him my own fist full of relief last night because the narcotics turn MIKE into a LOUD talker and a repeaterepeaterepeater.
Whats that?
You say your having bologna on a bagel?
For the fifth time?
Oh yes, I heard you.
From the BARN the third time.
I have to be kind though because I am usually the one with the medical maladies and he takes care of me.

He also has to get new glasses and a sleep apnea test.
All the better to see me sleep better with I guess, but out of all the times I've been married I've never been married to someone who's aging.
Carpel tunnel, bad eyes, sleep apnea, forgets to flush...
The list goes on.
I guess it's ok though, he's turning into a great gramps, we'll just have to work on getting him some false teeth he can take out and scare the neighbor with.

I'm going to make this quick.
I'm having another back surgery.
They're fusing.
It makes me cry and sick to my stomach and that's all I'm going to say about that.

Baby Dingle is out with the lambs every day now!
They all come in at night, but during the day there's lot's of grass for them to eat and rocks for them to spring off of.
Everyone is healthy and happy and I look forward to Dingle getting off the juice soon.
I'm tired of making bottles.
For sheep.
I'll still make them for the neighbor :)

This is Dingle and Pearl grazing the old garden spot

Judy and Belle and the babies...

This is Judy and Baby Jesse, I love Jesses white face!

Have a great day!


Friday, February 8, 2013

Game Day Friday!

Let's play get to know!

What's your favorite toothpaste?
What's your favorite laundry soap?
What's your favorite dish soap?
Do your cookies go flat in the oven and look like cat puke?
Do you eat the marshmallows out of the Lucky Charms?
How many pets do you have?
We have a sheep that lives in the house and eats dog food and a peacock that sleeps on the roof and eats cat food.
Do you live in the country or in town, a house, apartment or tin palace?
Are you afraid of the snow storm this weekend?
I am.
And I live in Oregon.
Maybe if you live on the East Coast you should come stay at our house for a few days.
Are you scared of heights?
Are you on a diet?
Do you have kids?
Coffee or tea?
Soda or water?
Cake or pie?
Married or single?
Isn't this fun!
Do you have kids?
Do you know how to roller skate?
What's your favorite show?
Do you know how to swim?
Have you ever painted a popcorn ceiling?
Have you ever run a marathon?
Can you talk without moving your lips?
Have you ever paid it forward?
Do you paint your toenails?
Have you ever held a chicken?
Ridden a camel?
Do you know how to sew?


Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Memory Lane

Wyatt's Birthday is on the 16th and my nephew Drew's is today.
I think Drew is turning thirtytwosventeen and Wyatt is turning rollyeyedsnarkyfourteen.
They're such sweet boys...

So every year around this time I get to feeling a little soft around the edges and no, I'm not talking about my arm flab or my muffin top.
I'm talking about the real thing.
I've been looking back through old posts and getting all leaky eyed.
Yesterday Monday was my 800th post.
Can you believe that?
Back then I was just writing for family so everything was addressed much more personally and to a WAY smaller audience but the heart is still there and it's so amazing how fast reading these posts can take me back.
It's almost like I'm back in the same room carrying on with the people I loved so much.

In case you're a new reader, we moved to Oregon to care for my grandparents in 2006.
My Grammy had the Alzheimer's and my Grampy was soon diagnosed with late stage prostate cancer.
We had our hands full to say the least, and most every day was the longest day of my life, but I would never, ever, change one thing about it.
It's an amazing sense of peace to know that you did everything you could possibly do, and that no words were left unspoken.
I know what an incredibly rare thing it is to have that opportunity, and I have been so blessed to have been there for my Father, my Grampy and my Grammy.
I think I really am a crazy lucky girl living a crazy lucky life.

Back to the old posts.
Packed in the stories of my Gammy and Grampy (GK) are some fun stories about Wyatt and it knocks my socks how fast he has grown up.

This is one of many but for sure my very favorite video of Wyatt when he was eight years old and a burgeoning scientist.

The audio is crap, but the kid is cute.

I have to move along now, laundry to fold and sheep to feed.

Have a great day!


Monday, February 4, 2013

Blogger Blues & Coyote News

I'm not sure what the problem is, but I'm having issues with my blog.
I decided to make up and add this super cute new polka dotted page background and went to double check before I walked away and called it good and realized something was amiss.
From other blogs linking back to mine the blog displays as
"The Trailer Parks"
which as everyone knows is our nickname given the fact that my favorite thing in the world is a trailer park and our last name is Parks.
But why is my blog displaying as The Trailer Parks?
The other problem is that the link between Facebook and the blog is broken and when you click the link from Facebook you get a 404 error message.
I called eNom my DNS and asked them if they had any idea what the problem could be and the lady said everything looked good.
I went to my Google dashboard and ran all the checks and everything checked out.
So why is my link broken, my title wrong AND my feed wrong?
Anyone who subscribes to the blog may have noticed that when you get a post update it says The Trailer Parks/Fat Bottom farm.
I don't understand.
If anyone tech savvy has any ideas please let me know, I could really use someone with more brains than me to crack the code.

Did you watch the game?!
I didn't.
I don't know rats about football and I hate commercials so it's kind of a lose lose for me and since Six doesn't like sports I never have to sit through a game or miss a good movie.
Lucky huh :)

I started a diet in October and I have been very successful.
So successful that now I don't have any clothes to wear and I need suspenders for my underpants.
I think this calls for an emergency trip to Baskin Robin for a double scoop pralines and cream.
Just kidding.
Kind of.
Not really.
Just kidding yes I am!

Yesterday morning about 7:00 I was in the kitchen looking out the window and I saw all the grown up sheep and the donkeys looking down the pasture like they were waiting for a bus.
All of them just standing there staring.
Then our black and white border collie Buddy went to the sliding glass door and started his super low tough guy growl.
I went to the door and grabbed the binoculars just in time to see a coyote lolly gagging through the field.
I couldn't believe it, within seconds he was just feet behind my flock and they were all just standing there.
I started hollering for Six who had just settled snugly into dreamland after working all night and just about the time he came skidding out of the bedroom half dressed, with one eye open, dog barking shotgun in hand, the coyote had run behind a mountain of blackberry bushes.
But let me tell you something.
For all of the loss we have endured due to those coyotes over the years and for all the shots fired and missed Six was not letting this one get away.
He got it.
And my sheep and donkeys and a few late coming llamas just stood there watching.
And then without missing a beat, they went back to eating.
I was so thankful that Dingle the little lamb was in the coop with the chickens, and that I hadn't already gone down to let everyone out and that Buddy started barking and that Six can fire off a shot half asleep.
So why do I feel so bad about the coyote?
I spent a better part of the day worried that his coyote family would be wondering where he was and why he didn't come home.
I think I need therapy.
Maybe I'll just leave out some pork chops and a letter of appology instead.

Ok, on that note, Happy Monday!
