I think this kind of thing only happens to me.
Remember this...
Well I got that almost all taken care of, so now I have this...
That's not snow in the fish tank it's food.
Food that I was feeding them when I realized Santa was still in Tank Town.
Won't the neighbor be surprised to find out that Santa lives in grannies fish tank during the off season,
Oh well, I guess if there's a sheep in the living room what's the big stretch about Santa swimming with the goldfishes during the warmer months.
Wyatt is home sick today with a gross disgusting intestinal disorder.
I wonder if he suffers from some kind of lettered dysfunction.
You know like
AWCS (Artists Who Can't Study)
IRMJ (I'd Rather Make Jewelery)
Or maybe just this,
CIPSHIRS (Can't I Pleeeeeease Staaaay Hoooome I'm REALLY Sick).
He does have the stink and fever thing going on today, so things are
"working out"
in his favor, but jeeez, that's all I need, is for everyone in the neighborhood to get sick.
You know the most dreaded sentence a girl can hear is
"Here Grannyma, he's poopy"!
So back to Wyatt.
He has finally decided to sell some of his jewelery, privately and on Etsy.
You need to go to his Etsy store and check this kid out.
Not only does he make the jewelery, but then he photographs it, lists it and then writes the descriptions for it.
Honestly, where did we get this kid!
He's pretty amazing, and keep in mind, he refuses to part with his best pieces.
One of those crazy eccentric types you hear about.
Vitamin D3.
Anyone doing it?
I read a TON about it yesterday.
It is being touted as an amazing ostio pain reliever for unspecified joint and bone pain and a real swift kick for people with Fibromyalgia , AND a super duper kicker upper of weight loss.
This is what I read... If you cut down your average calories by 750 (Not down TO 750) by 750, and take 4000 units of D3 a day it turns into this crazy fat blaster.
I read that we are so deficient in D3 that it can also lead to mood disorders, calcium deficiencies, blah. blah, blah.
So for .07-10 cents a day, count me in, I'm doing it!
It won't help with my rotten no good verry bad broken down back, but it may very well help my rotten hip, sore knees and arthritic feet and hands :)
Oh, and by the way boys tend to suffer from D3 deficiencies more than girls.
Go get some.
Have you ever roasted broccoli in the oven at 400 degrees tossed in olive oil and sprinkled with kosher salt?
Good huh.
Don't ever do it with lemon pepper, my house still stinks this morning.
And I love lemon pepper, just not roasting at 400 degrees on broccoli.
In case you're counting, this is three in a row.